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Since I've been home all day...

And obviously done nothing except
-read blogs.
-take my puppy out, and back in, and out and feed her only to repeat the out, in and out again.
-watch the original Beverly Hills 90210.
-order a dress from Ebay for Deron's cousin's wedding next month.
-text Deron.
I found this blog posting- And I have never watched the Bachelor or Bachelorette but I love this post. Because I agree 100% and the last line- about licking Love's face and sharing Blue Cheese dressing with it- is awesome.


Sounds like the ultimate day to me.

God Bless SoapNet for those reruns, huh?

4:45 PM  

Seriously. I'd gotten hooked while I was home for that week and then since ...I tend to watch a little when I get home from work...
That is until Deron arrives home.

10:57 AM  

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