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i'm beginning to realize i'm working three jobs at one time and still only being paid for one and wearing myself out on the three before two have even officially begun. and that i'm whining.

this summer is just getting better by the moment. i'm thankful people who've only known me for so little time have such faith in me. and that thus far, i'm being able to prove the right choice for the job. the camp i'm going to be at is going to rock. seriously. and my staff, small as it is, is awesome. especially my program director. i'm thankful for her and have only talked to her once. never met. which is cooler that we're working this all out so well, online.

the fall, i'm still anxious. i'm still thinking that no one, including myself, knew what we were doing when i ... when they offered the job and when i accepted. big church. lots of kids. lots to do. and still need a place to live. ... and to move there. and learn how to get around the town. and meet my new kids. and all.... but then again, if you read my last post, you know that already, the kids know they're important to me. and i already know that i'm important to them. doesn't make me less weepy at sundays here... :)

i've also realized i'm never having kids. again. that all my parents are all really great people and i'm really lucky to have been given to them, and them to me. that my friends are awesome, they're good people. that i'm beginning to get a cold. that deafness is a contagious disease, in our house anyway. that i miss my brother. that i will keep missing him. and that every once in a while, i do need that ::hug:: and to be told that God's proud of me. (thanks pip). because occaissionally, i forget that. i am sure we all do. we forget just how much we're loved, how much we're adored by One really incredible person. and i've realized that the dog of the family i live with, is my favorite member of that family, and i want to take her with me when i go. how much cooler would that be??? she's the best one. :) so as pip said, to sage.


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