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it's official.

and because i announced it this morning, i feel its time to get real with my blogging friends. (the small but loyal group that you are...)
i officially will leave the church job on august 27. i will stick around and help the youth group, but only as a volunteer and i will no longer be a paid staff member here.

i thought i'd cry more. i also had thought maybe i'd be more stoic. i was somewhere in between. i managed to keep it together. relatively so. ha!

so now, i can let you all in on what i've been doing. i mean along with the stuff i already share. i'm applying to work in the local hospitals- get a better grip on the health care field and what's going on in it. i'm going back to school on august 28th, full time in the PTA program. and i also am moving -having told crazy land lady i'm leaving by sept 1st.. i think i've mentioned that, but still. and all of this happens in less than 6 days apart. excellent.

and, um, i don't have an actual job or any particular 'ins' in any of the 3 hospitals. i don't have a place to move to either. really, i think this is my most recent leap into the unknown. i do this often, as mentioned in the vergeness post, but haven't in so long... the unknown isn't as exciting as i think it once was. but i'm trusting.

and as always, no regrets.

there's no other way.

no day but today.

(i think i've been listening to the rent musical too much lately. it's constantly in my head).


::hugs:: to you. we may be a loyal few, but we'll leap with you:)

6:58 PM  

Good Luck and Best Wishes in your new career goals! love you! phyllis

2:54 PM  

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