ok, it's not as cool as if i was being arrested for real, but it's still cool.
i'm going to be arrested on tuesday next week for the muscular dystrophy association. my bail is set at $600. and i'm slowly working towards that goal. with that in mind, i have sent out emails as well as posted bulletins on myspace about it. i've gotten some response (but not enough) from people. my online friend sareet (who is way cool) sent me a check recently, which i greatly appreciate. how cool is that, really? we've never even met! and my parents have mostly offered support, as has my brother and my priest and a few others.
the funnier thing is that my stepfather had asked how much it would take for them to keep me. and i wrote that in the email i sent yesterday. (i.e. people could ask when i call them tues. how much it would take to keep me and maybe a deal can be worked out). anyway, his reply email said this...
Hi Kate, Did I say that?, how awful am I, Will send bail monies immediately, as we speak they are loading the dollars on a pack mule in northern Burma, and starting the trek, so release is iminent, Your Step Dad :)
which is actually funnier when you consider it was followed by my own father sending me this (mind you, that hadn't spoken to each other).
Geez! I hope we don't have to hire a lawyer!!!
Ain't no thang...sounds like a good cause! Have fun and good luck raising the bail money!!
S said...
3:46 PM
I'm waiting to hear how it went!! Did you finally get released?
S said...
3:05 PM
i DID! it took a few hours to raise my bail, but finally i did.
what's cooler is the amount they raised, in one day of this, was $95,000+! rock on!
thank you for your help!
kate g said...
2:05 PM