this is from my journal, written back in july i think....
when i worked for my favorite chiropractor in NY, we had a patient named john who everyone adored.
he was an elderly man, 80's i think, who was so sweet. and in a lot of pain. he was struggling with removing his sweater usually, so i would help him, and also with unbuttoning his dress shirt or flannel shirt beneath.
it pained me to watch him in pain.
and one time as i was talking with him, his pain got so bad, he said 'lord take me'
about 2 or 3 weeks before i left NY for VA, he passed away in his sleep. and i am glad in a way, because he needed to go Home. he was ready. and Home he is now. i know it.
and i think i would miss him more if he were still in NY and i never saw him.
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