recap of the last two weeks....
since i haven't in forever. (will be far longer than normal)
the saturday before the 4th, i got to work outside at wegs. which is hard work but fun. i worked with all guys as no girls handle it well outside apparently. my friend steve told me before the big day to remember i'm representing my gender out there, try hard and don't slack. (as though i do anytime, sheesh) but it was fun, i got sunburned, and the guys must like me enough because bossman page is letting me go back out on monday ~ YAY!!
we went to the lake for the 4th weekend, which is the best place ever. we actually only had 2 days off, but it felt like we were there longer. which was a good thing and i could totally go back, but without time off, it doesn't work out so good. saw my cousin andrew (drew) and various other family-type-related people. as well, steven came up after he had been doing the sound for LIVE 8! (i know i've said it before, but i have the coolest brother) he heads off for tour with the stones soon, spending 2 months somewhere for rehearsals before the tour actually begins. rock on.
worked the rest of that next week, pretty unexciting. mostly, spent the week working on my presentation to our vestry so they know what's going on in sunday school. which stressed me, because i hate talking in front of groups like this one. but it must have gone well, several people said it was great. :) made the presentation this week at their meeting. which was 2 hours (the meeting, my part was only 10 min. because that's all i was alloted) because fr. ralph refuses to allow it to run longer. this week, i've finally returned to my normal work hours at wegs, incl. a stint last night in whah-kids. (aka w-kids, the drop-off-your-kids-while-you-shop-daycare inside the store). love the kids. very entertaining.
kita's had sleepovers all week and we've done a lot of walking. and i swam a bit yesterday with mom to help her in the pool. so i'm feeling better about myself.
tonight is rick's nephew's family b-day party. hopefully, rick will get him something cool today, as we couldn't think of anything forever. also, will hopefully try to have both his neice and other nephew's b-day presents with us (are waiting on the neices gift cert. for american girl.... which btw, has a new doll... marisol!!!!! which i think is awesome because of my friend mari. though i am sure they pronounce it MAR-i-SOL and not mah-de-SOL as we do. darn americans americanizing everything.)
lastly, am applying to go back to school. for an assoc. (which after a bachelor's doesn't make much sense... but whatever) in physical therapy, to be a certified PTA, (assistant). have talked to people, have contacted my high school and my college and am getting transcripts mailed. am starting it. it will take me longer, even at full time because i don't have the sciences going in that i should have (because i'm not great at science and gave up too quick in HS). am nervous excited about it. can't believe i'm doing this. if i'd only done it right the first time....
but then i maybe wouldn't have gone to rwc and met some of the best people i know. :)
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